As announced in the main web site, TMD will be free for its first official release, that probably will be called TMD 2025.0. It will have all the features enabled, even the most advanced, like multi-monitors, hardware encoding, SSL/TLS, console sessions and user authentication with SASL / Kerberos. Hardware AV1 will be used in place of H.264, where available (if not available, jpeg or mpeg1 can do 60 fps in full HD on modern hardware). With that said, TMD version 0.5 is coming soon and it will have FFmpeg encoding and audio channel with ogg vorbis, along many bug fixes.
I would like to try it – thank you for making it available
Yes, TMD will be FREE so you will be able to try it as much as you want. Today I will release version 0.5 with FFmpeg and the very first support for audio. Slowly this project is becoming real. Soon I will open a freshdesk website to collect bug reports from the users, but for now you can just reply to this message in the future or write an email to
Thanks for your attention.