DWorkSim – Deterministic Workflow Simulator

This application was created with the aim of generating an animated scene where the frames are always the same. Each frame is associated with a number, so it is possible to capture individual frames and compare them, to see if there are any differences if the frames were manipulated by a second application, such as remote display protocol. Furthermore, the workflow is generated without excessive computational cost, so it can be used to calculate the performance of the remote display protocol, without excessive impact on the entire system. This software is freeware, so you can use it for free, even for commercial products (see that you cannot distribute this software, sell it, change author's name or modify the content: read the EULA document in the zip file for more information).

How to use it

Download the right version for your operating system, unzip and use it. You can launch DWorkSim from command line.

On Windows:

> DWorkSim.exe
> DWorkSim.exe --software-rendering
> DWorkSim.exe --software-rendering --force-60-fps
> DWorkSim.exe --frame-target 357 --output test357.jpg
> DWorkSim.exe --software-rendering --frame-target 357 --output test357.jpg
> DWorkSim.exe -h
> DWorkSim.exe --about
> DWorkSim.exe --version

On Linux:

$ ./DWorkSim
$ ./DWorkSim --software-rendering
$ ./DWorkSim --software-rendering --force-60-fps
$ ./DWorkSim --frame-target 357 --output test357.jpg
$ ./DWorkSim --software-rendering --frame-target 357 --output test357.jpg
$ ./DWorkSim -h
$ ./DWorkSim --about
$ ./DWorkSim --version

For testing on machines without a GPU, you need to add the --software-rendering argument. It will run a totally different animation more adapt for software rendering without dropping performance. The framerate for software rendering is 30 fps by default, but you can increment it to 60 fps with the --force-60-fps argument. You can generate a single frame with --frame-target argument plus the number of the frame to render, and save the result on image file with --output argument followed by the name of the image file. The file format is decided by the file extension, for example image.jpg will save a jpeg image. You can save images in bmp, tga, jpg and png formats. Image in jpeg format are compressed with a quality of 80, while the other formats are lossless.

DWorkSim v0.2

The first version with GPU rendering. Now you can run it on Windows and Linux. There are two animations available: the default one with modern graphics with GPU rendering and program shaders; a software rendering version without program shaders, for not dropping performance.


Windows x86_64 (portable):
Download (9.2 MB)

Linux x86_64 / glibc 2.17 (portable):
Download (13.9 MB)

DWorkSim v0.1

For now, there are just windows and text moved over the background. Some windows are rotated to test oriented rectangles along axis aligned rectangles. You can run the entire test or generate a single image with the frame id. In this version, there is only software rendering.


Windows x86_64 (portable):
Download (5.5 MB)

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