Unrelated Framework – Abandoned

The project started from a small framework that I coded for the Amiga 1200. Now the project is much more advanced and it has been developed for many years on pc/windows platforms. In the past it was called Ultimate Framework but there were already several frameworks with the same name and I decided to rename it to Unrelated Framework .

Some features:

- Programmed entirely in C++
- Serialization of Classes
- Cross-platform design
- New image format for digital image processing

- New surface format for computer graphics
- New format for multi channel textures (color, alpha, bump, normals, z-buffer …)
- Algorithms studied to work also via software
- Proprietary format for bitmap fonts
- Powerful procedural generator of textures, static and animated
- Wrapper of OpenGL, OpenCV, OpenEXR, FreeType, etc…
- Flexible GUI studied to work via software and via hardware

This framework is still work in progress and I used it to produce many of the software that you can see in this site.

Gianpaolo Ingegneri
Copyright @ 2011 - All right reserved