Ladies and gentlemen, I'm glad to announce that TextureMind Framework finally has its own remote display protocol. The protocol has been used to create another software that is called TMD (TextureMind Desktop). The software is composed by two applications: a server running on the host machine and a client application which connects to the server. The client application exposes a simple graphics interface to make the user access and interact with the desktop of the host machine.
In the first version, you can already view the desktops screen, interact with the mouse and keyboard, with full support for Windows and Linux. Among the main features, an old-school programming with the least number of external dependencies, optimized for high performance with the least possible use of hardware resources. Furthermore, the extreme portability make it easy to use as a client / server ping-pong tool like iperf. Another strong point: it never crashes. Robust programming as well as debugging with static and dynamic code analysis have made it possible to stream video continuously for days in a row without ever crashing and a really tiny amount of memory leaks due mostly to the way memory works. Not bad for having been developed entirely by one person in a month.
Currently I'm working to improve the protocol for message transport. I'm building reliable transport on top of UDP. It will be possible to stream on both TCP and UDP protocols. After that, I will improve video codecs by adding multithreaded jpeg compression and av1 encoder / decoder with ffmpeg. I will try also to support hardware encoding and decoding, at least on Nvidia and AMD gpus. It will be possible to play games in 4K resolution at 60 fps in your LAN. For free. TMD will have its own website (ASAP) where it will be possible to find news, documentation, screenshots and downloads.